You’re Invited to Become A Member of PFLAG
Advocacy is a big part of the mission of PFLAG, with members and supporters working to achieve LGBTQ+ equality through changing hearts, minds, and laws. We work at the community level, at the city and state level, and at the federal level to effect change so that people who are LGBTQ+ are safe and equal in their communities.
By becoming a member of PFLAG, you join a family of more than 200,000 PFLAG National members and supporters in 400 chapters across the United States. With your help, we are moving equality forward by amplifying the unique PFLAG family and ally voice.
Your $15 annual membership supports PFLAG National’s efforts to lobby for change and to make a difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ people. Any donation over $15 goes to advance the work of our Manhattan Beach/South Bay chapter, which offers our support, education and resources free of charge and regardless of membership.
Join PFLAG National and our PFLAG Manhattan Beach/South Bay chapter with an annual donation of $15 or more!